KUBTEC XPERT® 20 Benchtop Cabinet X-ray System

The KUBTEC® XPERT® 20 Cabinet X-ray system is a compact yet powerful X-ray machine for use directly in the laboratory workspace. It is beneficial for agricultural applications. With an imaging area of 3.5″ x 4.7″ (9 cm x 12 cm), it takes high-resolution X-ray images that are perfect for evaluating seed germination potential. Finally, it has one of the industry’s smallest footprints and an optional maneuverable cart.


• Benchtop X-Ray System designed for placement directly in your lab
• Eliminate the need for transportation of samples to a separate area
• AEC based fully automated digital imaging with manual option included
• Automatic calibration with zero warm-up time
• Ability to save annotated images in multiple formats
• Contact and 1.3X geometric magnification stages
• Desktop or mobile platform option for easy transportation
• Seed counting software

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