• Intuitive, 7-inch color touch screen control panel
• Filter based system with wavelength range from 340 to 750nm
• Operates as a stand-alone system, or connects to a PC or Printer
• Absorbance range: 0.0 to 4.0000 Abs
• 8 channel vertical optical path, with zero dispersion
• Integrated, multispeed plate shaker
• Incubation ambient +5C to 50C
• Include 4 popular filters: 405,450,492,630nm
• Twenty-six additional filters are available separately to cover a spectrum range from 340 to 750nm
• The menu interface allows the user to choose the wavelength filter, set shaking parameters, enter the plate layout details, and choose the details for the reading protocol and data calculations.
• Up to two filters can be used for 2 measurements of the sample plate, for calculated comparisons. Kinetic calculations can be performed by setting multiple readings.
• Stand-alone reader, all software, and the programing system is incorporated into the electronics. However, a convenient USB port on the side allows quick and easy saving of data files to a USB drive, and the universal .csv files can then be shared or transferred to a computer for storage or further processing.
• A data port can be used for connecting a computer or basic printer.
• The plate layout interface allows for quick and intuitive set up of a plate’s well contents. The display shows a graphical representation of the 96 well plate, and the user can label each well as required for: “known standard”, “unknown sample”, “blank well”, “QC control well”, “negative control”, “positive control”, or “empty”. The interface allows highlighting and labeling multiple wells to save time.
• Measurement data is available immediately on the screen after a reading, as well as interpretations, calculated analysis and curve fittings